When it comes down to it – search engine discoverability is all about the words you use. Whether it’s what key words you chose, where you place them or how you phrase your service offering – good copy is essential. Leapfrog works with the best local copywriters to bring you engaging, well written content for your website that will help improve your rankings the natural way.
But copy doesn’t just have to be your homepage text. Our skilled copywriters will craft every aspect of your website’s wording to fit with a specific set of carefully selected key words and phrases. By refining what areas you want to be found in, our copywriters can tailor your web copy to suit your needs. They can also provide you with well researched and formulated blog posts regularly, which will dramatically improve your chances of ranking higher. Google has always valued high quality shareable content, and websites that provide a regular stream of this generally end up ranking higher because of it. By using one of our highly recommended local copywriters, you can ensure high quality engaging content for your website on a regular basis.
A blog can be used to build trust in your customers, secure your place as a valued advisor and can even help improve your Google ranking. But to achieve this, a blog must be interesting, and above all well maintained. Keeping regular and fresh blog content is key to improving your search engine rankings – without paying for expensive pay per click campaigns. By introducing a blog to your customers you are not only building up your search engine rankings, but also improving a potential customers opinion of your company. By practising what you preach and showcasing a knowledge of your field you instil confidence in your business while improving your SEO strategy – how could you go wrong?
While it is true that everyone can write, when it comes to their own web copy it can sometimes be difficult to come up with the right words and place them in the right order. A talented copywriter can get an understanding of your business and your industry, learning what makes your competitors successful and what techniques work best for your particular sector before applying them to your web copy in a unique way.